Thursday, June 7, 2007

Teaching Jobs in Boarding Schools

Teaching in a boarding school needs a different mindset. One advantage you have in these schools is highly competitive environment. Teachers are well paid and offered lodging and boarding facilities for free.

If you are a peace loving creature and enjoy with your own self this job is ideal. You get enough time for self study in order to enhance your professional skills. It is rather easier to click a job here because many teachers don’t like the 24X7 routine of these schools. Of course there is an element of monotony in boarding schools. If you enjoy being with kids then it is all fun.

If you are starting your career and have no family obligations it is a nice career. You almost save your entire salary because food and accommodation incurs no cost. You may work there for 2-5 years and having accumulated sufficient funds, move to a day school job. The administrative and management training you get in boarding schools pays you throughout life.

It is nice place for working couples plus you get free education for kids. For teachers who have no interest in tuition this is a good career. If you want to move up to become principal of such a school, this training is valuable and opportunities are abundant.


raji117 said...


May I know the name of the school and its location? I am interested in applying for a job there. Could you please give the E mail Id of some HR?
I have taught in several schools all over India for the last 16 to17 years.

Thank you,

Drug Rehab said...

Day boarding private schools give the benefit of boarding schools and day schools. There are so many students whose parents are working and no one is there in the home to take of them. For such students day boarding schools are the best option.