Friday, June 8, 2007

Relations with the School Head

Your relationship with the school Head affects your feelings of job security and satisfaction. Getting too close to boss may breed your critics within the organization and being in seclusion may deprive you of the benefits and recognition for hard work. A middle path is always advantageous.

Here are few tried tips you may follow for a win-win relationship with the Head.
  1. Always volunteer to take responsibilities and make plans of your Head successful.
  2. Be assertive in making your point if you are unable to undertake a responsibility. Assertiveness is not a point blank refusal but politely explaining your situation and suggesting an alternate if possible.
  3. If you have to criticize management policies, do it in private. Public opposition will reach your boss and may be much more than what you actually said.
  4. Always be in time in submitting papers and work flawlessly.
  5. Never take advantage of your good relation with the boss. Treat yourself at par with any other teacher.
  6. Take active part in the staff meetings and forward your best suggestions. Keep in mind that turning down of your suggestion should not hurt you emotionally.
  7. Don’t try to judge your superiors. This is not your job.
  8. Win the confidence of parents and new teachers by extending help.
  9. Keep away from the gossip club. Have advance plans to utilize your free periods.
  10. Do a little extra bit of work than expected of you. Little extra is a powerful success principle. When you go to buy vegetables, how good you feel when the shopkeeper drops one small potato extra after weighing the vegetables. We like to go to a shop which gives attractive polythene bag with your garments whatever size is your shopping bill. This principle holds valid in work place as well.

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