Sunday, January 26, 2020

जीने का हुनर फूल से सीखे

जिस तरह है फूल एक नए दिन को गले लगाता है, हम में से प्रत्येक के लिए एक वास्तविक प्रेरणा हो सकता है धूप की पहली किरण जब पेड़ों की शाखाओं पर दस्तक देती हैं तो उसकी आहट पाकर फूल उठ जाता है और ओस से स्नान करने के बाद धीरे धीरे अपनी पंखुड़ियों को चौड़ा करने लगता है। जिस समय यह अपनी पंखुड़ियों को खोलता है कभी फिर बंद नहीं करता जब तक कि शाम और सोने का समय नहीं हो जाए। जो कोई भी फूलों को अपनी आंखों से स्पर्श करता है वह प्रफुल्लित हो उठता है। फूल उसे सौंदर्य ही नहीं सुगंध से भी भर देता है । इसलिए हमें चाहिए कि अपने प्रत्येक दिन को उत्साह, ऊर्जा और ताजगी से के साथ शुरू करें और जितने भी लोग हमसे दिन भर मिलते रहें हमसे एक खुशी का एक रंग और एक सुंदरता कुछ न कुछ हम उनके साथ जरूर साझा करें। सच्ची करुणा और प्रेम ही संसार को आपका सबसे बड़ा उपहार है। अपने दिन को सार्थक कीजिए। आपका दिन मंगलमय हो।।।     
       ओंकार सिंह शेखावत।।

Thursday, January 23, 2020

आप जन्मजात विजेता हैं।

जेम्स पार्कर कहते हैं कि हर आदमी जन्म से ही विजेता है। जब आपका जन्म हुआ तो आप का मुकाबला 10 लाख शुक्राणु कोशिकाओं से था। आप सबसे तेज आगे बढ़े और तमाम बाधाओं को पीछे छोड़ते हुए माता के गर्भ में अंडे से जा मिले। जितना संघर्ष आपने इस दुनिया में आने के लिए किया इतना तो जन्म लेने के बाद कभी करेंगे भी नहीं। आपके माता-पिता को तो पता भी नहीं था कि आप जन्म लेने वाले हैं। हो सकता है  उनकी योजना भी नहीं हों कि आपका जन्म हो। संघर्ष करने का स्वभाव तो आप के अस्तित्व में ही छिपा है बस यह पहचानने और मानने की जरूरत है कि आप सर्वश्रेष्ठ हैं। बाधाओं को पार कर सकने की क्षमता तो आप इस दुनिया में आने से पहले ही सिद्ध कर चुके हैं। सड़क अगर शीशे की बनी हो तो उस पर चलना असंभव है इसलिए उसे खुरदरा बनाया जाता है क्योंकि आगे बढ़ने के लिए चिकनाई नहीं घर्षण जरूरी होता है। जीवन में संघर्ष इसीलिए आते हैं। वे आपको विजेता बनाने के लिए आते हैं।
।।ओंकार सिंह शेखावत।।

Friday, January 17, 2020

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I need freelance writers for the monthly magazine 'Modern Education Review'. Teachers, principals and students may also contribute on topics of educational relevance, campus humor, your own experience, favourite teacher/student, tools of effective teaching. Remuneration Indian Ruppees 500/- per page typed in twelve font single space. You may send photo also. Original writers may be commissioned for regular writing. Contributions are welcome from other parts of the world as well.You may mail your sample to or

Onkar Singh Shekhawat

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Is Indian Democracy Feudalistic?

(Against the Motion)
Respected chairman, learned teachers and awakened audience, I stand before you with a firm conviction to oppose the motion. I congratulate my good friend for his ‘unsuccessful’ effort to make a point that of Indian Democracy is feudalistic. I can see more pessimism and less of logic in the arguments.

I agree with the point that no man made system is divine perfect. Anyone can wean out sufficient arguments out of evolutionary failures of a system but that should not mean to devise a totally ridiculous definition such as calling a democracy feudalistic.

Chairman sir, democracy is a complex system of governance because as far as its application is concerned in a country of 115 crore population. There is a possibility of some people not getting their due in the process. Democracy evolves through people struggle and matures with time.

My friend jumped in haste to compare Indian democracy with that of US. Can you compare a 60 years man with a youth of 20 ? US the democracy is more than 200 years old. It has witnessed caste and colour discrimination of worse kind. There have been scandals and blunders. But it learned from the mistakes every time. The same is happening in India!

In past three decades, people have rejected politicians who try to weave political organizations built around families. The cases of Bihar, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir and Maharastra are self-evident. The principals of freedom and equality have enabled the so far marginalized castes to unite and claim their share in power. If still we notice some hereditary transfer of authority in politics, it is because of people’s support and not because of the nature of democracy.

Mr Chairman, two pillars on which the ability of democracy stands are equality and freedom. These two features are eminently present in our democracy. Some landmark decisions by the Supreme Court in public interest litigations where it directed govt. to take action are the praise of democracy. Few quotable example are - emancipation of child labour from carpet industry of Varanasi, removal of polluting industries from Delhi and Agra, cessation of mining activity in Aravali Hills and removal of diesel buses from the capital. The list is long.

On the side of law, numerous political magnets and influential people have been humbled and brought to book. Introduction of Right to Information Act has proved an effective antidote to corruption. Would that be possible in feudalistic democracy?

In democracy, electoral competition is bound to happen among political parties and winning the election is the most important criterion for candidature. This is why muscleman and big tycoons get party tickets. But be sure, democracy has the capacity to get rid of such weeds.

The fourth estate has played a major role in strengthening Indian democracy. What escapes the notice of the courts and the system of administration, media throws it open to public scrutiny, ultimately leading to justice and public awareness.

It is an established fact beyond doubt that Indian democracy is not at all feudalistic.

It is not by chance that India is being recognized as an emerging global power in just sixty years of independence. The successful operation of democracy for the past six decades is the testimony of an ever evolving and strengthening, true Indian democracy.


Mathematics Education

Meenakshi Gandotra

I am happy to know that CBSE is concerned about improvement of Maths education. I have been teaching mathematics since the beginning of my career and strongly feel that improvement in teaching Maths can be made only by framing the right type of curriculum. While main problem is with the curriculum, most of the children feel that the problem is with themselves.

The tradition of oral memorizing of tables helps throughout the life and must be revived. Our elder generation even had the tables of 1/2, 1 ¼ , 1 ½, 2 ½ , ¾ etc. on their finger tips. The curriculum should be closer to life. There is no point in teaching every student every concept at class X level which is of no relevance in practical life. The portion which is necessary for higher classes must start from class XI onwards.

It is good that the CBSE has not given any choice to opt out Maths till class X. Children at the age of 13-15 years cannot think precisely what is good for their future. Maths is not only a subject in itself but in fact it is a mind trainer for other subjects.

A geometry theorem throws up a challenge before the intellect of the child, subjects him to intense thinking and apply logic to arrive at a solution route. This is what we need to do with the challenges of life. There are no short cuts.

Chapters like trigonometry, factors of algebraic expressions, irrational numbers should be introduced after class X. However, area, volume, profit and loss, simple and compound interest, making bills, calculating income tax have utility value and can be taught at elementary level to class X .

Instead of teaching the numbers in the form of natural, integers, rational numbers they should be taught like negative, positive as children at this age do not grasp abstract things easily. The introduction of practicals in Mathematics is a welcome move but the way it is designed at present needs a lot of improvement . Instead of having the models in the lab it should be taught to find the area of the room verandah, basket ball court, walls, doors, volume of brick, milk, cylinder or finding practically the distance, cost, finding the cost, discount etc.

Besides, a manual should be produced to guide schools on how to set up the labs with the help of experienced teachers. Schools and teachers must receive guidance on how to use them and make certain models instead of buying them ready made from shops.

-The author is Principal, Jaswant Modern Sr. Sec. school, Dehra Dun.

Career by Choice

Ravi Bhushan

In today’s competitive world, choosing a career is a difficult task. Over the last 10-15 years, the world has changed drastically. It does not seem too long ago when there existed a very distinct feeling among parents that their children should pursue either medicine or engineering as a career.

Today that outlook has begun to change and parents along with children are thinking about other options. Presently there are numerous choices available to young people, ranging from subject and streams in school to a variety of short-term and long-term courses.

Today’s youth is looking not for jobs but for careers. Not just for monetary rewards but for personal fulfillment – scope for self-improvement and growth.

Often a student has a little information and even less awareness of the alternatives available as who to turn to for guidance to make the all important decision of the career. There is a fog of confusion when student is at crossroads immediately after completing 10+2. Collecting information, being aware and planning for the future is of paramount importance.

Careers today come in three major streams.

· A career pattern in the government bureaucracy or corporate world consists of formal movement from jobs to job and is defined by logic of hierarchical advancement once initial entry is obtained.

· Then there is a professional career defined by craft and skill – specialized knowledge and reputation. Engineers and lawyers, doctors and teachers, media persons etc. are professionals who may keep the same title and the same job over a long period, if employed or make their skills available for fee-based assignments. They grow career-wise as their skills grow.
· The third pattern is the entrepreneurial one of creating a product of service of value. Small business ventures and services and so on fall in this category.

One should work out a career plan to become successful in the first place. Everybody cannot be successful but those who plan have a better chance. A job is not a career and this distinction must be kept in mind. Your job is a gateway to your career leading to your dream life. A career is an integrated life-long plan of life – not just a living. The job one may hold at a particular time is only a rung on the ladder. We need not consider jobs as entities in themselves but a stage to get ready to make adjustments for the right career goal.

Thus my question ‘does the word career exist ?’.... is something to ponder over so that we may look for various options for the betterment of your child. If you feel you do not wish to slot yourself in existing careers or are up against a wall in finding a job, never hesitate to seek advice of a career expert.

The author is Director, PEPES Educational Consultancy.Ravi Bhushan

In today’s competitive world, choosing a career is a difficult task. Over the last 10-15 years, the world has changed drastically. It does not seem too long ago when there existed a very distinct feeling among parents that their children should pursue either medicine or engineering as a career.

Today that outlook has begun to change and parents along with children are thinking about other options. Presently there are numerous choices available to young people, ranging from subject and streams in school to a variety of short-term and long-term courses.

Today’s youth is looking not for jobs but for careers. Not just for monetary rewards but for personal fulfillment – scope for self-improvement and growth.

Often a student has a little information and even less awareness of the alternatives available as who to turn to for guidance to make the all important decision of the career. There is a fog of confusion when student is at crossroads immediately after completing 10+2. Collecting information, being aware and planning for the future is of paramount importance.

Careers today come in three major streams.

· A career pattern in the government bureaucracy or corporate world consists of formal movement from jobs to job and is defined by logic of hierarchical advancement once initial entry is obtained.

· Then there is a professional career defined by craft and skill – specialized knowledge and reputation. Engineers and lawyers, doctors and teachers, media persons etc. are professionals who may keep the same title and the same job over a long period, if employed or make their skills available for fee-based assignments. They grow career-wise as their skills grow.
· The third pattern is the entrepreneurial one of creating a product of service of value. Small business ventures and services and so on fall in this category.

One should work out a career plan to become successful in the first place. Everybody cannot be successful but those who plan have a better chance. A job is not a career and this distinction must be kept in mind. Your job is a gateway to your career leading to your dream life. A career is an integrated life-long plan of life – not just a living. The job one may hold at a particular time is only a rung on the ladder. We need not consider jobs as entities in themselves but a stage to get ready to make adjustments for the right career goal.

Thus my question ‘does the word career exist ?’.... is something to ponder over so that we may look for various options for the betterment of your child. If you feel you do not wish to slot yourself in existing careers or are up against a wall in finding a job, never hesitate to seek advice of a career expert.

The author is Director, PEPES Educational Consultancy.